Monday, July 27, 2009


So Friday started off pretty well for me... Woke up on time for work. Check. Got to work and ate my milk and cereal bar (Honey Nut Cheerios) while watching my new guilty pleasure The George Lopez show. Check. Had a debilitating pain in my abdomen causing me discomfort that would force me to leave work. CHECK?

Yeah at around 9 am the crap hit the proverbial fan. I could barely move, sweating bullets, and white as a golf ball (Ghost is so overused). I called Lee and said you need to make me a doctors appointment and proceeded to drive home. When I arrived home I was informed that my appointment was at 11 am and I should get some rest. Upon arrival I went to check in and was told that since the office switched to Compass Medical I would have to fill out all my forms again. Sheesh this is only the start of my horrible no good very bad day.

So after waiting what seemed like a lifetime (40 minutes) I asked LeeAnn if I had been forgotten about. I was than seen soon after that. My Doc thought I might have a strangulated hernia and told me to go to the ER... after nearly passing out from the pain while leaving her office I got in the car and to put it in not so gross terms lost IT.

I then went through many hoops in the ER for them to tell me after a CAT Scan, Ultrasound, and 8 hours of poking and prodding that I more than likely had kidney stones or a groin pull. I was prescribed Motrin and Perks for the pain, and told that they would work themselves out. I woke up on Saturday morning and felt completely fine. AARGH!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

So last night I was watching tv and saw a commercial for the prescription medication Lyrica. As I was watching it I was waiting to hear the side effects (I don't know who else does this but I think it's funny when some of the side effects are actually things that are caused by the problem that the medication is prescribed for.) and heard the narrator for the commercial say that it may cause suicidal thoughts. SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. REALLY?

I did a little reading on Lyrica and what it is prescribed for (Fibromyalgia) and understand that it is given to combat painful aches in joints and tendons and to limit the occurrence of seizures. I understand that risk vs. reward is probably worth it but still the chance of these suicidal thoughts is 1 in 500. That seems like bad odds to me. The side effects part of the commercial should be stated like this "Not only will you have indescribable pain for no reason, but you also have a 1 in 500 chance that you will feel like you want to kill yourself." that seems over the top but I'm sorry it's the truth.

A couple more things before I post this. Why can't prescription drugs cause awesome things to happen to you. I would take Lyrica if one of the side effects was the ability to breath underwater or even just spell better, but no it causes you to think about ending your life. NO THANKS! Also why are prescription drugs that are man made legal, and Marijuana is not. I think that is a travesty. I am moot on the subject of legalization of THC but to me it's ridiculous that drugs that cause terrible side effects are prescribed and pot is illegal. Maybe I'm not so moot.

You can agree or disagree with me if you want.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It Has To Start Somewhere

If you told me last week at this time that I would be attempting to blog I would have said "You're crazy!". It's been quite awhile since I've attempted to portray anything through writing but in an attempt to appease some restless feeling I've had as of late I figured maybe a blog would be the best way to go. If you don't know me (or you think you do for that matter)
1.) I am mere weeks away from the big two seven

2.) I have lived in the same town for 15 years (townie)

3.) I have 2 beautiful children with a third on the way

4.) I have been married for 6 years to my Highschool sweetheart

I will hopefully bring a common mans view to the masses (or at least to a couple people).